This morning, the weather looked better than the forecast so I decided I would pull the trailer out so I could open the shutter that needed attention!
I wanted to remove the pair of gas struts so it would be easier to take the shutter off when the trailer went back in the hay shed. However, once the gas struts were removed, the weather was still dry - so I decided to get the shutter off!

Before the hinge fastenings were undone, I used a fence post and a piece of timber to enable the shutter to be slid to the ground when the hinges were unfastened. So that worked OK, and I removed the damaged angle bead. Then I managed to put the shutter face down on the wheelbarrow to enable me to cut through the vertical box section so I could alter the width of the shutter by about 3mm. Once cut and the angle grinder dressed the cuts, it was time to weld the framework back together.
Still no rain, so I continued with the shutter, squaring up the damaged beading, dressing the edge of the plywood (which now stuck out the width of the cut) and then reinstated the beading. Things were looking good (so I thought) so the shutter was leant against the side of the trailer (no timber this time) and I tried to shove it into the rebate. That worked OK until the shutter came into contact with the dangling hinges. I couldn't hold the shutter up and lift the hinge at the same time! Then it rained, and rained! Soaked through, a change of clothing, and I asked herself if she'd give me a hand. She did, and with one of us at either end, it was possible for me to hook the hinges over the protruding bolts. From there onwards, things worked out OK and it wasn't too long before I had all secured!
Then I thought I might as well put the gas struts back in place - a reversal of the dismantling operation. Used two box section struts to keep the opened shutter in position ....
Then once the gas struts were refitted, out came the old struts.....
then it was a case of refitting the keeps for toggle catches, then close the shutter so I could reverse the trailer back into the hayshed.....

So now it needs a repaint after some sealant as been rubbed into the edge of the beading! The other two shutters need a bit of attention as well - but that's another day (and, hopefully, a dry one!)