Interested in vintage commercial vehicle, trams, t
Got a bit further - fitted cylinders and motion. The former made from dowel with a brass tube for piston rods and the latter suitably bashed into shape from 3.2mm welding rod. Also streamlined wiring - just one pair going to car now (and joining up with truck pick-up) - when completed the wiring will run under the car body.
Tested briefly in forward and reverse - behaves fine (thank goodness) - as the weather was rather soft. Although achieving roughly what I wanted it lacks the finess I originally intended (the crankpins have been removed and the bolts reversed with retaining nuts to the outside. Also the con rod to to piston rod is now rivetted but I had intended 2mm screws until I snapped the tap!
First pic at speed.....
Tested briefly in forward and reverse - behaves fine (thank goodness) - as the weather was rather soft. Although achieving roughly what I wanted it lacks the finess I originally intended (the crankpins have been removed and the bolts reversed with retaining nuts to the outside. Also the con rod to to piston rod is now rivetted but I had intended 2mm screws until I snapped the tap!
First pic at speed.....