RTM tramways

After being on holiday for a week, yesterday I finally finished the last electrical connections. My old LGB switchbox, which originally only had four switches, was upgraded to five. I replaced one with a 'double' switch as I have 5 'blocks' I want to power separately. So the last block is now also electrified and work in the 'woods' can start! Although the rabbits have had their go in the woods already, while we were on holidays and there ain't much left of it...
Hi Henri, not commented recently but I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your railway come to life and as you say, once trains start running it gives you such a boost. You have managed in a very short time to build a superbly scenic line as is shown by the pics you recently posted.:clap: (even if the animal accessories are a tad overscale!:) But hey! they move around so realistically!:D)
I wish you many hours of enjoyment and look forward to seeing future developments.
Merlin, thanks for your kind words!! I really appreciate it! It means a lot to me to get compliments from 'die hard' G scale hobbyists!

It is indeed a very joyful hobby, I never imaged it would give so much pleasure to build and run trains! My dad is a H0 scale railman and I never understood the fun of building something in the attic , dusty & cramped. But out in the garden it is really a pleasure to work on the tracks!

The animal fencing is just temporary: I want a nice house/building over the switch box in the future, but for this moment the wood will do it's job an that is protect the wires from the rabbit teeth...
Henri, that looks excellent! your railway is getting me all worked up about restarting mine!
Looking better all the time, Henri! Pleased to see you've managed to get a couple of matching compartment coaches for Fiery Elias, they look really good.
Did you ever figure out that bit of trouble you had with your railbus, has it been OK since then?

The railbus is OK after cleaning the tracks and wheels. Lots of cement used to ballast the rails was contaminated on the wheels and also where the brushes rub against the wheels. I still plan to dismantle it sometime to inspect the motor and wiring/possible loose parts.

It runs ok but I'm not convinced 100% yet...
The railbus is OK after cleaning the tracks and wheels. Lots of cement used to ballast the rails was contaminated on the wheels and also where the brushes rub against the wheels. I still plan to dismantle it sometime to inspect the motor and wiring/possible loose parts.

It runs ok but I'm not convinced 100% yet...
I saw a post on another forum that you should always use a power buffer with these 4 wheel rail bus models (LGB 2064, 2066, etc) if you plan to use them outside because they have no skates just wheel / brush pickups.