Show us your Track Diagrams

Massoth with wireless Navigators for me. The main box of tricks is in the conservatory and there is reliable wireless coverage across the whole line.

I use an ESU ECOS. My first G scale loco was an LGB 2095 I bought Second hand which was fitted with Massoth sound. As I also have a 7mm layout I wanted a control system that worked on both. Once I bought the ECOS for the garden I converted the 7mm to DCC. To operate in the garden I use the original ESU Wireless hand set that does not need my wi–fi network. The ECOS control is in the lean to but I run trains from all over the garden. I think the power output of the ECOS is just about enough. I have one battery loco, an LGB Meyer that I bought Second hand which had already been converted to radio control. Handy if the track is Dirty. I couldn’t operate the railway without a remote hand set as I can’t see all of the line as it is hidden by vegetation.
"I have a track plan for the LGB 2 but "

what is LGB2 ? what do you mean ?

for system control , I would suggest to open a new thread !!
LGB 2 is my second garden railway layout at my new house of 2 years ago.
I have always used DCC power since I started in 2005. I do have one battery Rc loco. I have also owned 4 live steamers.
I put my line on here, but looking at the marvellous empires created by the posters,I don't really want to be shamed! My line is basically an odd shaped dog-bone, no points or cross overs. I laid as a trial to see if I could construct something cheaply with scrounged pavoir bricks, as it seems to work, this year will see some sort of extension
As mentioned earlier in this thread, mine is also at the the moment a simple dogbone with no points. It was placed loose on a new raised bed at the end of the garden that has a gravel top dressing. Being new I knew it would settle over time so didn't worry making anything complicated as it would have to be lifted when it was topped up. Like you there are plans but at the moment I can still run trains when I want. Maybe this year a passing loop might appear.

As in posts #41 and #42, let's keep this to track plans, instead of opening the door to discussions of DCC systems, etc. It's really nice to keep to the topic and make this a nice reference thread where forum people can see the variety and creativity of track plans. I was really enjoying this thread up until now.

The "whose DCC system is best" is a battle never won, and then the battery guys will come in and argue battery is better, and we are off to the races with another thread that started useful and degenerates into competition.

Please take the DCC and power stuff to a NEW thread... (and I wish you well!)

I hope everyone feels free to share. It would be a shame if mutual interest was compromised. I think this is a very democratic and supportive forum. I have really enjoyed seeing everyones ideas, big or small.
I was wondering if there would be any mileage or interest in sharing operating systems. How many of these layouts are DCC, run live steam of rely on radio control?
This has been done several times over the years, this is the link to the last survey that I could find.
Large Scale Survey - What are you using? - SURVEY NOW CLOSED

As in posts #41 and #42, let's keep this to track plans, instead of opening the door to discussions of DCC systems, etc. It's really nice to keep to the topic and make this a nice reference thread where forum people can see the variety and creativity of track plans. I was really enjoying this thread up until now.

The "whose DCC system is best" is a battle never won, and then the battery guys will come in and argue battery is better, and we are off to the races with another thread that started useful and degenerates into competition.

Please take the DCC and power stuff to a NEW thread... (and I wish you well!)

Greg, I really hate to say this, but I do agree :mask::mask::mask:
"I have a track plan for the LGB 2 but "

what is LGB2 ? what do you mean ?

for system control , I would suggest to open a new thread !!
LGB stands for Linz Gstadt Bahn the name of his Railway, the current one being I imagine his second one as he says.
This is the track plan as displayed from my control software. It is not to scale, but the house is at the centre. My garden slopes from the top right down to the bottom left and also to the bottom right, so the tracks are at several levels. The blue bits are ponds and streams. There are quite a few bridges and several reversing loops - both explicit and implicit. Unfortunately, there is also a buildup of leaves and branches on the line at present, which I am working on when the weather permits!:sweat:


I answered that question in post # 45 Jon.
LGB 2 is my second garden railway layout at my new house of 2 years ago.
I have always used DCC power since I started in 2005. I do have one battery Rc loco. I have also owned 4 live steamers.

Sort of, you did not specify the actual meaning of LGB. I thought it useful to clarify. Many were the guys in the States that in days gone by to find a Railway with LGB as the name to utilise in those days the factbthat almost all LgB stock had raised lettering. Agood contact of mine Bob Kelly of Garden Texture called his the Longwood Bellhaven and Geneva (well I think that was it long time ago).
Yeah, it sort of evolved over the years, but the last track was laid a few years ago, and the main effort now is maintenance and improving/adding structures.:expressionless:
I’m not sure that pictures would help me wrap my head around the complexity of your railroad, but I would still like to try. If you have photos available, would you direct me where to look. Thank you.