Show us your Track Diagrams

This is my basic starter about 10" X 20" to find out if I was going to enjoy Garden Railways (only started in 2018). The proposed extension will run down the garden 40 - 50" dog bone and back, details to follow when I know :)

20210228-Track Plan.png
The Southwestern Frontier Railway, Based in Hertfordshire, UK here seen in its latest incarnation, Loco sheds and workshops are in the top RIght hand corner , Port faciltys and unloading point in the bottom right , the "Mountain" terminus and "Mines" are in the Bottom left.


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    garden railway.jpg
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Well this proved a popular thread! Not been on here for a small while. Theres some brilliant and clever layouts, out there. Thanks everyone, so far.
This is the track plans for my layouts (not to scale).
The sugar mill and farms loops will be a standalone layout with an interchange loop running around it, the track will be code 250 while the mainline is code 332.
This give the impression of a lighter guage sugar cane railway track compared to the mainline.
In Aust cane railways are 2 Ft guage while the mainline in 3 Ft 6 inch in this state.

Here you'll find the track diagram for my layout and shadow station. The line is based on the RhB and is called Die Unterengadinergartenbahn (Lower Engadin Garden Railway). The line comprises 221 feet of mainline, a 45-foot spur, 5 tunnels, 2 bridges and 1 viaduct. Ardez is the featured station. Enjoy!


  • PDF of Diagram of Schattenbahnhof1024_1.jpg
    PDF of Diagram of Schattenbahnhof1024_1.jpg
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  • Sketch of Track Layout UEGB1024_1.jpg
    Sketch of Track Layout UEGB1024_1.jpg
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Here's my modest attempt. I hope y'all can read my handwriting.
Edit: better pic
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I'm not winning the prize for GSC's smallest layout, but I'm close. Measured at track center, it is 4x6 feet.
Most of the railway, or tramway, is on wooden poles. There's a 5x2 feet wooden rack by the shed, that the track lies on top of. The rack has storage space, e.g. water tight boxes that have proven to be not so water tight. :(
The dashed lines along the shed are possible short spurs that can hold a wagon.
The East Line on the other hand can be a serious project, but I haven't yet brought this up with the relevant authorities. :angel:
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It may not be large, but I'm sure you get as much enjoyment out of it as someone with 20miles of track, plus there's always room for expansion
If I might add, you will soon get fed up of "ducking under" so I would recommend a lift-out or even better but note difficult hinged section.
It will be a truss bridge of some sort eventually. I considered making it a lift-out, and haven't ruled it out fully, but I know myself well enough: ducking will always remind me that "I can still do this" so it'll help me not feel old.

That's the way I am.
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It will be a truss bridge of some sort eventually. I considered making it a lift-out, and haven't ruled it out fully, but I know myself well enough: ducking will always remind me that "I can still do this" so it'll help me not feel old.

That's the way I am.
When you get to the stage of ducking under is for the birds, this is how I did my lift up bridge.
Pots 4 thru 9 show how I did it and the redesigning I did to get it right.
It now works fine and I can walk through with a wheelbarrow without a heap of mucking about.
On my previous layout I had a lift out bridge (RHS in picture) but found it to be a bit of a pain.

22-02-2016 (4).JPG
The spring addition (digital; mauve colors) will be added to last summer's job (roughly 12ft square layout; see 'Ramosch' built below a deck; analog).
The new run (about 160ft or 48m) includes a loop under the deck (below 'Ramosch') follows the house wall to swing around a corner to a former firewood storage area to 'Aschera' station. The new station at this time is a simple 3-way switch affaire and positioned above another turn loop of the new run.
Analog and digital layouts have no electric nor track connection (I want to be very sure not to cause electrical mayhem). The visual intersection is to be a shortened version of the Trisanna bridge (oblong blue box in diagram) at Schloss Wiesberg, Tyrol. Very interesting Trisanna engineering materials here.
While the mighty bridge is from the normal gauge Arlberg railway, my rolling stock models narrow gauge ('Ramosch' with Zillertalbahn items, 'Aschera' with RhB ones). The wide curves are to be supported by pillars 3ft to 4ft high and of a variety of constructions. The taller ones nearer to the house wall, the shorter ones integrating also some hanging plants (sm arrows indicate descent around 2.5%).
Spring addition 'Aschera'.png