LGB stands for Linz Gstadt Bahn the name of his Railway, the current one being I imagine his second one as he says.
Here is another L G B. - Landeck-Graubünden Bahn
It is in two separate parts, at left approx. 11' x 11' "Ramosch" (Lower Engadine, line never built past Scuol/Schuls (Graubünden, Switzerland) to Landeck (Tirol, Austria); rolling stock 760mm or 2 1/2 ft aka Bosna Gauge, analog control. It is beneath the deck (7' clearance) and fairly rain/snow proof about 4' above ground.
Presently some MZS stuff is under way to me to power the extension to be built when the snow is gone; wraps around the building corner to a former firewood storage and accommodates meter gauge model RhB Ge 2/4 (LGB 2045, Massoth innards) and two oldies, passenger and baggage car (Ballenberg 3 axle, not RhB 2 axle).
I want to keep analog and dcc electrically separate.
The extension will drop from right (former firewood storage) toward the deck, then loop below "Ramosch" to continue to drop back toward former wood storage and looping there beneath the upper loop and end station "Aschera" (means 'ashes', Romansch place name for German "Schiers" in Prättigau valley of Graubünden/Grisons.
Place names have nostalgic reasons.
A Ramosch station does not exist (but trains could connect thru Ramosch not only to Landeck in North Tyrol but also to Mals in South Tyrol), Schiers Stn is no end station being on thru-line Landquart-Klosters (and on to Davos or Engadine via Vereina tunnel), but 'ashes' fits the former firewood storage .
Photo shows house corner, at left the emptied firewood storage, wrapped in white tarp the below deck run "Ramosch" and for a kicker, the shelter on the lower level stands on the rail bed of the former Kaslo & Slocan (3ft), later CPR Kaslo-Nakusp (normal gauge). Of course, lots of potential, however, for a fixed income track laying BIG time poses not just engineering questions (someone's nodding behind me
One more thing?
Father's dad piloted the 'Heidi' type G 3/4 RhB steam engine, mother's dad was a civil engineer (NG, tramways).