Re:The EJ&KLR project
Fab pictures....and I keep coming back to read the whole thread. Well done
As I was on my way home, I thought a bit about your newly acquired railway land, and the restrictions imposed.
If it were me, and it's not, I would have a different arrangement of the tracks for EJ&KLR2, so as to have a different feel to #1. Even a different theme ( US short line/Welsh NG/'Colonial', but this gets expensive with double the stock.
How about a large folded dogbone, with a station on the 'double track' arranged at the rear. This would leave a central area free of infrastructure, suitable for a clothes drying apparatus ( also suitable for drying spray painted items ). The dogbone loops at either side/ends could also be at different elevations to add interest. A central pathway between the loops gives operator access to the station, via the ( removable ) clothes dryer. This would just about fit into 14 ft square, the loops at each end would have to be radius 2, with transition curves of radius 3 and 5 if you wish to keep to sectional track. The station would then appear to be a junction of 4 single lines, or with a closer track spacing, double track into 2 single branches.
Electrically, treat as a single track, or, if you want operating crossovers in the station area, treat that as parallel track, with switchable polarity in the loops. Or go dcc/mts.
I would post a diagram, but I can't from home.
Another idea I've just had is to have a folded figure of 8 running around the perimiter of the area, there's just enough running length to have gradients that permit an overbridge. Trains would run twice around the plot before returning to their starting point.
Food for thought....