The EJ&KLR: Austrian narrow gauge in Cheshire

Re:The EJ&KLR project

Apologies to James for temporarily hijacking his excellent thread but I also have a Faller railbus that I converted to 45mm. I completely replaced the chassis with a piece of ply and fitted an IP engineering power bogie and dummy to convert it to 45mm. It runs on 3v and lasts for hours, its a bit noisy but looks ok.

Anyway, thread hijack over!

Re:The EJ&KLR project

I woke this morning to beautiful unexpected sunshine. My wife had some uni work to get on with so Elly and I dug out the trains again and played on the railway.


Then we also got Dad's Bachmann 3-truck Shay out and Mum and I had a rather melancholy half hour in the sunshine talking about what he'd have made of the railway, and whether we'd have a train of White Pass and Yukon stock by now!

Re:The EJ&KLR project

Midwalesstokie said:
I also have a Faller railbus that I converted to 45mm. I completely replaced the chassis with a piece of ply and fitted an IP engineering power bogie and dummy to convert it to 45mm. It runs on 3v and lasts for hours, its a bit noisy but looks ok.

Thanks for that James? Maybe I'll look into buying one of these after all, but I'd possibly want track power....
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Gizzy - in answer to your question earlier, Tim's has a wooden floor and some cheap motor driving a metal gear on the rear axle - hence it's noisy, but slow enough. Simple on/off on the battery box on the underside. I think he actually scratchbuilt the drive out of other butchered engines/wagon components. Personally, I think it's too small for a serious 1:22/1:20 layout.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

jameshilton said:
Gizzy - in answer to your question earlier, Tim's has a wooden floor and some cheap motor driving a metal gear on the rear axle - hence it's noisy, but slow enough. Simple on/off on the battery box on the underside. I think he actually scratchbuilt the drive out of other butchered engines/wagon components. Personally, I think it's too small for a serious 1:22/1:20 layout.
Thanks James?

Maybe it would look better on a narrow gauge (32mm) feeder line to my metre gauge railway....
Re:The EJ&KLR project

If you remember, at the same time that I got the Steyrtalbahn dining coach and the Schoema, I also picked up a blue MOB 'Boissons Riviera' swiss outline van. My intention was to repaint this to represent a more modern vehicle for the EJ&KLR, to go with the roll-wagen and Schoema... (there are few other vehicles planned as well).

The lettering was rubbed down with wet and dry paper (1200), used wet. The parts were then primed in Halfords plastic primer. The top coat (gloss light grey Humbrol tin) was airbrushed on in two coats.


I wasn't sure that the light grey body I wanted on my steel van was going to look ok with the silver roof, but I needn't have worried. It looks grand! Next up, once it's hard, are the transfers, then a coat of satin varnish.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Didn't seem worth starting a seperate thread for the van, so with the top coat of gloss grey dry I applied the custom EJ&KLR transfers using Micro-set and some patience! There is a little detail painting to do, then I can apply satin varnish to the grey parts, and fit some disc (rather than spoked) wheels.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Another superb conversion that looks 'Factory Finished'
Re:The EJ&KLR project

1st year anniversary...

Well 1 year, hey, a milestone, and what a journey. I'm not going to gush about all the amazing times and how much I've learnt, and how much it's been therapy, those that have read about my trials and tribulations know all that already. This is where it all started about a year ago...

Today I ran a lot of trains and had fun.
I took a lot of photos, drank coffee, ate cake and relaxed.

I thought you guys would like to see them so I'm going to use a seperate post to document each different train formation ran today, to keep things tidy. To start things off, here are the landscape shots that show just how well the plants have matured, and some lovely flowers too...








Re:The EJ&KLR project

Beautiful James. Love the sweeping curves in particular. :thumbup:
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Thanks Peter :)

Third, we have the 798 again on a regular freight, running in the opposite direction...










Re:The EJ&KLR project

I refuse to believe that the last photo isn't one of a real train somewhere in deepest central Europe. Fantastic! :love:
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Fourth (bored yet? there are plenty more on their way...) VL10 and a freight (with the new box car)...










Re:The EJ&KLR project

Fifth, the 2095 gets another mixed turn - my daughter chose the engine and wagons and ran the train whilst I took photos...



