The Logging, Gravel & Brickworks Railway

Gizzy said:
Finally, at Sheringham, the CME accepts the wagons into service, subject to restrictions of use around Weybourne Curve.

I feel quite relieved now. Stressful just watching.
This summer, I have decided to make a few changes to the LG&B.

I have 2 reversal chords at Weybourne, and as I now run consists of either five 2 axle wagons, or three bogie vehicles, these needed to be made longer to accomodate these trains.

I cannot make the chords any longer, but I worked out that I could reposition the LGB 1015T reversing track sets to just forward of the platform faces at Weybourne Station, effectively giving me a longer loop.

I also decided to rationalise the trackwork at Weybourne, so the little used Weybourne East Junction was lifted for use elsewhere.

Before and after photos....


The points have been relaid to make a new crossover, which will be known as Weybourne West Junction.

This crossover is intended to replace one at Weybourne South Junction, which allows trains from Weybourne station onto the Up Main line. Only the curved facing crossover, which routes trains to the Quarry Branch to and from Weybourne Yard, will remain in place and the trailing crossover will be lifted during Phase 2 of the Rationalisation Plan, when more plain track is made available....

Phase 2 of the track rationalisation was carried out today at Weybourne, when one of the crossovers was removed at South Junction....
To make one of the reversal chords longer at Weybourne, I converted a curved Isolating track by adding the diodes from a LGB 1015T straight, so it changed the polarity. By moving this and another further from the platforms, I've gained enough track length for 5 wagon train consists in the loop....
I took the LGB 10000 straights outside Weybourne Box to replace the removed points at South Junction, and in their place I installed my first ART track, a pair of Crossing/Rerailers.

LG&B management will be evaluating the performance of this track....
Weybourne South Junction from a eastern perspective....
These period gas lights have now been installed around the layout at Weybourne and Holt, following an appeal to purchase some, on this forum. They are low voltage LED lamps, totalling 30 in number.

One of the few things that Mizzy likes about the railway, are these lights.
Especially since these switch on automatically when it gets dark, as the transformer is plugged into a mains plug incorporating a LDR (Light Dependant Resistor). Gotta get the girl on-side somehow!

Many thanks to Miamigo259 for these....
Meanwhile, a headshunt has been laid for the siding at Sheringham....

Recently the L&GB trialled some passenger workings on their mainly freight railway, using V52 and a pair of coaches.

However, this meant V52 was not available for its normal duties, so the management have been looking at alternative ways of running services for the travelling public.

It came to the attention of the CME that a modern Diesel Unit was about to be disposed from a railway in the Netherlands, so this train made its way to Suffolk via Belgium, France and the Channel Tunnel....

After initial acceptance at Sheringham, the DMU was made ready to be tested on the tight curves of the LG&B....

Most of the LG&B permanant way is straight level track, and the unit accelerated to max line speed after passing Weybourne North Junction....

However, there is a tight curve at Quarry Junction, which requires the DMU to traverse slowly....

The approach to Sheringham requires the train to negotiate the crossover near to the PW yard, where road-rail plant equipment is stabled....

Finally, arrival at Sheringham for the first passengers.

Many thanks to Wijnand Laros for this train; I know he is looking forward to seeing it running on the LG&B.
Phase 3 of the track rationalisation plan was completed this weekend.

It was brought to the attention of the LGB management, that the SHLR had a 3 way point for disposal, so this was duly purchased and installed during the Halloween festivities at Weybourne Yard.

The installation of this point enables the loops in the yard to be increased enough for the new rake of 4 bogie flat wagons which have been placed into service this year, without having to encroach on nearby 'Green Belt' land....



(My thanks to Gareth for the 3YP.)
Gizzy - just love the purple Flying Hamburger, but that's a seriously tight curve :nail::nail:
Rhinochugger said:
Gizzy - just love the purple Flying Hamburger, but that's a seriously tight curve :nail::nail:
Next job on the to to list Chuggy!

Ease out those curves, and replace the points on the outer track with R3 ones....
Following a surplus in the operating profits of the LG&B during the financial year 2010, the Chief Finance Officer authorised the expenditure of funds on an additional engine for the diesel locomotive fleet.

Negoitations were entered into with the CFR about purchasing a Class 2095 loco, now that concern has converted to standard gauge mainline operations from narrow gauge. These concluded satisfactorily and the loco was finally accepted for service on the LG&B after exhautive testing....
