Today At The Cfr.

Stanley waiting at Priory Interchange as Casey Jones soars by with the afternoon express.image.jpeg Stanley waiting at Priory Interchange Station.image.jpeg I've taken advantage of the clement weather this week to do a little track realignment and remove two points that were causing a few problems. A new temporary platform and some spare buildings have been pressed into service. A new concrete platform will be laid once the winter frost have gone. The new station will be named Priory Interchange and a footbridge will link the station to Priory Exchange station.
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This side has been exposed to direct sunlight over the past 17 yearsimage.jpeg This side normally faces the signalbox.image.jpeg The effects of natural weathering on LGB stock. The area needs a complete clear up as well.
It looks pretty good, consider the amount of time it has been there.
Paul, it's looking good with your new buildings, very impressive :)
Coming together well Casey:clap:
Thanks Jimmy. I tried to put captions to the pictures, but mu keyboard on the iPad disappeared.
Aha working with pictures on the iPad can be a bit of fun. What I tend to do is some text then upload the pictures, but leave them down below. Then I add each picture one by one adding 3 returns between each one. This then gives you space to add text between each picture. Note though there is an insert all option, but as you scroll down the full image for each one is below that by each picture.

Your keypad should re-appear as you put your cursor where you can enter text. If you do not the keypad stays hidden.

Hope this helps Paul.
Roundhouse Millie passing through St Bernards Station:-
The train spotters watch “Evie” passing through the station.
The Gaffer of the locomotive shed is not very happy. Two locomotives were taken into the CFR workshop for a complete overhaul and repaint. The overhaul was carried out satisfactory but the paint shop guys decided to cut a few corners so that they could get to the Friday dwarfs match.
They decided to repaint the locomotives without first removing the accumulated dirt and rust from them. They then sent them back to the locomotive shed without the paint shop foreman seeing them:-

Engines #8 and #9 heading back to the locomotive shed.
... the paint shop guys decided to cut a few corners so that they could get to the Friday dwarfs match.
They decided to repaint the locomotives without first removing the accumulated dirt and rust from them. They then sent them back to the locomotive shed without the paint shop foreman seeing them:-
A firing offence, surely?