What have you done to this?
Well... assuming this isn't a "
Egads! WHAT have you DONE to this?" type question...
(As in shock I would modify an LGB product...)
The answer is... loads!
Big items include:
Roof - removed all LGB OEM appliances, repositioned about half of those, fabricated new ones, added a second (modern) pantograph, added additional piping and cabling, added roof antennas, shortened roof walkways, etc.
Here you can see a quasi side-by-side shot:
Body - stripped all lettering and graphics, filled in two small windows, added new louvered window one side, added a pair of cargo doors to the sides, cleared out the OEM interior seating, added new works dept interior (in process), patched and filled various end wall holes from incorrect cables, removed a pair of elco connectors, added new accurate profile end railings, painted and detailed cab control stands, removed older underbody equipment (to be replaced with new equipment in process), paint and lettered for infrastructure dept.
Again, a quasi side-by-side shot:
Overall, I guess the answer is - I took the standard LGB RhB Red Passenger Railcar and turned it into an RhB Orange Works Dept. Railcar, and adjusted towards scale and prototype fidelity where possible. (Turned a model of Abe 4/4 #32 into Xe 4/4 #9923)