A lump hammer is a marvellous thing if you have oneAh-ha!
I see 'Operation Lump Hammer' is underway..
That is very kind! Thank you so much sir!One of the things I enjoy about this thread is seeing Henri's name under the title and being reminded of the excellent projects he's been up to.
Thanks, Henri.
That is a very effective solution as promising as Jamie’s work.More of the same today, though a case of modelling imitating the real world, as I wait for news from the insurance roofing contractor regarding repairs to my abode after Storm Eustice - I knew that would be fun, as we have horrid French tiles which have not been available in the UK for 25 years. Much easier, though in G Scale world - cut out old duff tiles and stick on some patches of sponge rubber bathmat. I'm hoping this method works, as the loco shed has some much bigger roof repairs needed.
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Interesting. How are you planning to make the roof?My latest project is coming along nicely. It is destined to be coach No 16, an Auto-trailer all third class, for the Claptowte Railway. It is a project that I have had in mind for many years but other projects have come first. It is based on two LGB Toy Train 4-wheel coaches mounted nose to nose on bogies. The modifications are all well tried and tested on previous conversions, obviously the driving cab is a new innovation. Having said that, a lot of work has gone into this project, while none of the modifications are complicated, there are a lot of them. The underframe and coach bodies are just about complete, just the roof to construct. There will be a lot of painting needed to complete the model. There will be coach No 17, its twin, that will be a first/third Auto-trailer, this will be the last passenger coach built for the Claptowte Railway, as there are no plans for any more passenger stock, although, of course, never say never again. The pair running either end of Claptowte Railway steam locomotive No 3 'Yvonne'. For the time being, I think work in the garden is going to have to come first.
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The original roofs, each shortened by 4mm, glued end on, reinforced underneath by a plasticard sheet. A rib glued across the top, to match the originals, to hide the join. There will have to be a number of holes drilled to take GRS lamp tops and ventilators, etc. Basically a copy of the roof of coach No 15, the observation coach.Interesting. How are you planning to make the roof?
So where was the short?I had a short between motor and track in an Aristocraft C16..
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This meant a complete tear-down, of the motion and block..![]()