SD card reader packed up. Went from slightly intermittent to not playing anymore in about 3 minutes...
Might be time to retire the old girl and replace. She's been going 7 or 8 years, including printing over 5000 mask extenders for the NHS, so probably about worn out now!!
You can replace a lot, but you can also look for a better printer tan you have now.
Rebuilt rebuilt rebuilt ect it is a droid, just like a car....just like my thrusted toyota after 9 years it become to expensive....i should have kept her and do a total rebuilt.....
When i started my endeavors for 3d printing i was a whole month at you tube and sites for compartments,,,,
One printer was with head and shoulders above all....2 years ago!...the creality ender 5 plus...
One draw back if it comes and it
will are bound to do programming in gcode.....test with the robotic firmware on the printer just like gw basic in the 80's...simple.
I dont have any regrets buying this printer...
Ps save youre self some money ( up to 200$) and wait 4 weeks for the delivery from ali express.
If my one would fail after 8 years and there would be no better one and fixing would be to costly i would buy this one again, not only based on reviews as a ex newbie in 3d printing...
Probaly the same but BIGGER.....500X500mm or own build---->1000x500mm.
btw what is your old printer?