Just returned from a trip to the shops and the FedEx truck had delivered my 2-4-2 Baldwin. It's a black one with red roof and windows, not my choice but it was gift so I'm not in any way complaining.
First impressions is that it is MUCH better engineered that the old model. Also much more detailed. Comes with a full set of exploded diagrams and how to remove this, that and the other, and how to lubricate etc.
I have to make the offer that if someone wants to swap this for an equally new Lyn, or green unlettered version, I'm open to the option! Feel free to PM.
If that doesn't happen, then this one will be chipped and fitted with sound, fitted with chopper couplings, cow catchers and buffer beams, and be repainted to look more like it could have run in the UK. Luckily I have some bits off one of my old Lyns that can help.
I'll take some photos and post them tomorrow, just bring everyone up to speed on this version.