Re:The EJ&KLR project
Well day 3 and another day of trains on the EJ&KLR.
Morning kicked off with trains on the indoor carpet layout Elly and I put together when we arrived incase it rained

Elly ran her Stainz and a long train...
We spent the day at Chirk Castle but didn't get to see any of the GVT. However a fine, dry, sunny evening encouraged me to drop Tim a text about the Corpet and get some stuff out...
I decided on the Rugens and a 1950s era train, in my head, the last mixed train of the day as it brings a new tractor destined for one of the forests on the line where it will see use in hauling timber, the main traffic on the line these days. Passengers have to put up with a vintage pre-war carriage - as we've yet to see much investment in the line in the austere post-war period...
Finally - true nostalgia. Tim and I were childhood friends. We spent a whole summer back in the late 1980s playing trains in the garden after he got an LGB starter set one Christmas. His Dad got him a lot of extra track... and then by chance a Corpet.
We loved that train - and despite only having a pair of starter set coaches we used it so much...
But then we went to high school and it went in it's box, at the back of a cupboard... Fast forward 20 years and we're sat talking last night about it - Tim gets home and digs it out... and here it is...
How did it run? Like a sewing machine - absolutely incredible and a real testament to LGB engineering.
So yes - after seeing Mel's he's going to tone down the finish. I'm now looking for one and we kind of talked about both getting a few 'French' items - as I feared a slippery slope...
More tomorrow

Frank S perhaps?