I've spent most of the afternoon reading your blog and looking through this thread and I must say your locos and stock are inspirational! The railway itself is lovely too!
Puts my meagre efforts to shame haha!
It seems an age since trains ran properly on the EJ&KLR, but today the sun shone, the bitter shandy flowed and trains rolled round. Alex my 1 year old enjoyed eating the controller (Helmsman quality!) and running his green Stainz in between Daddy's Blauturm Lxd2.
When I download the photos from my good camera I'll share a few more and who knows, I may even get a little more running in tomorrow morning!
Thanks Oliver, it's a styrene kit from a German manufacturer - took me most of my modelling time last year to build and finish: http://www.gscalecentral.net/Faur-L45H-LxD2-m202013 < Link To http://www.forum.gscalece...L45H-LxD2-m202013
Thanks Gary - you'll like these then (24 photos in total so bear with) - these are off my decent camera from yesterday. I never really got any good photos of the Faur before, so excuse the rather excessive quantity!
Nothing beats the Spring colors in a garden layout.
Its only a matter of time before your little one starts controling. Mine started at age 3. Now he is 4 and has become an expert at it.
As you might have seen I've been re-working my Liliput diesel with a scratch built bonnet and LGB cab. Today Elly and I finished renumbering her Stainz (she airbrushed gloss black over the old numbers herself a weekend ago). This also has had a front number plate added from styrene.
Anyway, since both engines are now ready for satin varnish they are sat together and it reminded me of the photos of their first run, Christmas 2010...
Well a good afternoon of running on the EJ&KLR today. The LGB/Liliput Kof bash and the repainted 2-axle coaches saw action along with a lot of other stock that hasn't been run for quite a while. These photos are split by subject (a new post per train), but were taken all day hence the different light levels... Enjoy
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