Thanks Alyn, it seems an age since I've had two days playing back to back - the lounge looked like a G-scale shop there was that much LGB scattered around, boxes, and unpacked stock! Makes you realise how much cash is tied up in these big trains too - but also cool to see how my EJ&KLR fleet is coming along... my slow and steady upgrading of items and a settled, austere, olive green for coaching stock and brown for freight stock is paying off
I love the atmosphere of your railway. It just looks natural and so....real!
I know what you mean about collecting of stock. I look at some of mine and don't even remember buying it.
I was very excited to receive my copy of the August 2013 Continental modeller. My article about the EJ&KLR features over 8 pages with some lovely, although quite dated now, photos of te railway. Well worth getting a copy as it's a good issue as well... I get my own copy electronically on the iPad and the Exact Editions app and e-sub.
Wow James your line has really come alive. It is looking great. Proof that you don't need a large layout to have fun and have it look good. I really like the S curve and the small bridge. Its the little things like that that make a layout. When is the video coming out I see A live steamer in your future running on the line.
Well that resolve lasted two years but I've been itching to lift the finish like I have done with my steam locomotives for some time. The most exciting thing to report is the weathered exhaust port on the roof. This started by adding straight matt black to the inset grooves. I then added some dark brown to the black to soften the colour a little, and then airbrushed carefully, building up over a few minutes, the exhaust staining to the roof.
Next I have repainted the cranks in satin red, and covered the screws and crank pins in paint as well. Less obvious is the fact the wheel rims have been painted satin black. This greatly lifts the appearance of LGB models in my opinion and I've slowly been doing it to all my LGB steam engines. < Link To
Finally I painted the vacuum hoses on each end, the pipe out of the body is red, then gunmetal on the hose and satin black on the pin that links to the buffer beam.
And an overview shot - there are a few more things I'd like to add in the coming weeks - these include a cable to the socket on the left of each end and paint the hooks and horns on the roof in cream. I can't wait to get the engine back out on the line this autumn...
Well it's been a year of reduced garden railwaying in 2013 but we've put that to rights today - Elly and I cleaned up the track and ran a few short passenger trains with her Stainz, the Schoema and my Frank S tank. Alex came out and joined us and way fascinated by the trains, a very excited little boy! Can't wait to show him them again in the new year when it's a bit warmer and dryer!
I've better photos on my nice camera, I'll post them up in a few days.
With a splash of sunshine the EJ&KLR runs again! After an indoor performance at the Macclesfield Model Railway exhibition last month I brought the trains back over to Chester and gave the line a much needed tidy up this weekend. Mum had been weeding and pruning trees but the track needed cleaning and the ballast needed tidying up.
We ran a few trains and Alex was absolutely transfixed by them! What a lovely relaxing way to spend an afternoon...
Unfortunately I didn't have the good camera but I snapped these on my (aging) iPhone...
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