What happened at your workbench today?

So, here we go, all nestled in there, waiting for the bottom plate to be screwed on.

The new spring material is slightly smaller diameter, so needs to be fiddled onto the spiggots under the bearings - has to be a cut end, not the double coil at the end of the spring. They are very slightly stiffer, so have to be used in pairs, and one needs to think carefully which axle could put up with slightly harder springing.

Gotta keep all the wires out of the way, and might have to cut a little channel in some plastic bodywork ;);)

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A simple solution to a simple problem.

I bought some R0 curves from modell-werkstatt.de which have a 422mm radius. A useful oddity, like many of their products.

But... I dropped one of them on the tiles from a metre high, which broke some of the sleepers. Oops.

Some old LGB sleeper webbing to the rescue. I cut it to length, and then cut loose on one side between each sleeper:



Then I inserted the rails:


Ready to use!

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OK, I have two projects, one is in limbo while I save up my pennies for a sound card. Limbo could be a bit longer as I may have to spend some of my ill-gotten gains on repairs to SWMBO's car :oops::oops:

The other one is this beastie

Now, it's obviously home made - I could call it scratch built, it certainly dealt with an itch when I started to build it many years ago, in its first iteration it was simple on/off, manual control which you only adjusted before you let it go, and had a single axle at the rear like a Bachmann railtruck. Fats forward and it gained a cheapo second hand RC, a cheapo sound card that makes the most appalling noise (could be described as diesel with a bit of poetic licence, and an el cheapo 4w motor chassis used as a power bogie in place of the single axle at the rear.

The el cheapo mechanism has eaten its worm - the worm is now conical in profile, and I have left it on the shelf too long and the battery packs have gone to nickel heaven. It seems that I can get a pair of replacement battery packs for quite a reasonable price - not even SWMBO's car repairs could derail that, but it's the worm drive that's tricky.

The motor is small, but does the job, and only has a 2mm shaft. Now I have a nice worm whcih fits a very nice, quite broad, nylon gear that could easily be adapted to fit the 4mm axles - but the worm is 2.3mm :(:( Motors with 2.3mm shaft are too large to fit the el cheapo bogie as the wheel centres are quite close. I 'spose I could look st vertical mounting :think::think:

As the battery packs are not too expensive, I think it's probably worth persevering, but I had wanted to fix the drive bogie from spares in the box - i.e. without spending anything :emo::emo:

OK, can you tell what it is, yet? :p

Try and envisage it with both ends trimmed (bottom significantly shorter, and the back (blank) face removed .............................
